In the past few years I've viewed Canadians as passively accepting whatever the government and mainstream media tells (I increasingly see these entities as the same thing).
I actually felt proud again to be Canadian when I saw the protests. I don't mean the "fringe" aspects of it (I imagine in any protests you'll find some degenerates making a scene), but rather Canadians visibly voicing their frustrations.
The concern of on-going lockdowns and a never-ending COVID resonated strongly with me. I'm a huge fan of personal choice - and also personally dealing with the consequences of those choices (another topic).
I mean, God forbid the leader of this country should address this - doesn't mean he has to agree with everything - but acknowledging people's frustrations alone can go a long way in making them feel heard.
Sadly, instead of engaging protesting Canadians it appears the Government/Media's plan is to ignore them and colour them ever so slightly as right wing extremists. The result is further polarization and division as people continue to feel unheard.