Great points!
I assume though, you're referring to cryptocurrencies and not crypto tokens, which are usually categorized as a cryptocurrency.
Within crypto tokens, there is a class known as utility tokens which do have productive value.
For example:
Helium (HNT): Tokens are the means of sending packets across a decentralized network.
Filecoin (FIL): Tokens are the means of paying for file storage across a decentralized cloud.
I'm just bringing to your attention that's it's possible for crypto to have value because they accomplish productive activities - specifically access to decentralized technologies.
It's unfortunate that the true benefits of crypto - consensus among untrusted parties (removal of the need for easily corruptible central authorities) - often get lost in getting rich quick.
I feel as though we're in 2000 again with the tech boom. As then, it's true technology was going to change the world; however, the changes (and profits) weren't coming to come for another 10-20 years. The same is true for crypto now.